IIS8 SSL Installation

These steps will show you how to install an SSL certificate that only secures a single domain name on Microsoft IIS 8. If you need to secure multiple servers or devices, you will need to install the certificate on each one individually. If you haven't generated your certificate and finished the validation process yet, please refer to our CSR generation instructions before proceeding with the steps below. 
  1. Obtain an SSL certificate: Purchase an SSL certificate from a trusted certificate authority (CA), or create a self-signed certificate.
  2. Install the certificate on the server:
    1. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
    2. In the left pane, navigate to the server where you want to install the certificate.
    3. In the center panel, click on the "Server Certificates" section.

  3. Click on the “Complete Certificate Request” option from the right-side action menu.
    1. Browse to the location where you saved the SSL certificate file, select it and click on "Open" to import the file.
    2. Type a friendly name for the certificate & select the “Personal” option from the drop-box of the certificate store.
    3. Click on the “OK” button.

  4. Friendly name: this is not part of the certificate itself, but it is used by the server administrator to easily distinguish the certificate.
  5. Location: Select the Personal certificate store. 
  6. Click OK. This will install the certificate on the server.
  7. Assign certificate to Website
    1. From the Connections menu in the main IIS Manager window, select the name of the server on which you installed the certificate.
    2. Under Sites, select the website to be secured.
    3. From the Actions menu (on the right), click on Bindings... to open the Site Bindings window
  8. In the Site Bindings window, click Add... if the default https entry is not there.
  9. Fill in the different fields as specified below, then click OK

Type: select https.

IP address: should be the IP address of the site or All Unassigned

Port: default is 443.

Host name: leave blank

SSL certificate: it should specify the SSL certificate that was installed in the previous steps.

Your SSL certificate is now installed!